Music is my boyfriend


Sometimes.. when you go to Tahoe, you spend the whole week semi-drunk.

Sometimes.. when you spend all week semi-drunk, you eat chips and greasy hangover food every morning.

Sometimes.. when you go out of town for a week last minute, you don’t have time to do laundry beforehand.

Sometimes.. when you don’t do laundry, you have no clean underwear.

Sometimes.. when all your undies are in the washing machine, you get the urge to workout because of all the hangover food.

Sometimes.. when you get the urge to workout and all your clothes are dirty, you have to wear a homemade USA bikini to work out in.

Sometimes.. when you only have a bikini to work out in, you have to stay in your room to work out.

What I Wore — Tahoe Edition
Happy 3rd of July!
Operation Shakira Bod Recap

I’m in Tahoe, so.. Win some stuff!
Jai Guru Deva

Just call me Aria
It is NOT every day that I can say I wore four completely different outfits and hairstyles in the course of a week. I’m even wearing different pants, you guys. This is a big deal. I’m practically one of the Pretty Little Liars now, except for all the mental trauma and general effed-upness that wouldn’t be conducive to ridiculously trendy outfits on the reg. If I were one of those bishes I’d be wearing a bedazzled machete in my belt and bullet-proof full-body spanx at all times.. But the important thing here is that I almost have my Pocahontas braid back and I have a job to get ready for in the mornings. Holler.
You’re invited

You are more than just a dream