The sun was hot, but the water most certainly was not. Northern California doesn’t quite get that the whole point of having beautiful bodies of water everywhere is to be able to swim, splash and enjoy them. Nope, instead everywhere you dip your toes into freezes you down to your core. So on this fateful day, I was comfortably numb from the waist down before climbing onto the raft where a friend of mine so kindly pointed out the odd color of my feet. She diagnosed me with Raynaud’s after I explained that I spend all of the cold months with toes that feel like rocks in my shoes. She may not be a doctor, but according to the Internet, it’s where your arteries restrict blood circulation to your extremities resulting in the feeling of numbness and a white/yellow appearance. Yep, sounds about right.
Exploring After Dark
Fall Quinoa Salad Recipe
Sheep Milk Yogurt Parfaits FTW
While I did treat myself to a swanky ass gym membership a few months ago (helloooo, eucalyptus towels), I haven’t quite found the motivation Kensie of 2013 OTN had. Remember #OperationShakirabod? Ah, the good ol’ days.
Let me tell you, that shit is way harder than it looks. Getting pieces of fruit to stick to the sides of a mason jar is a skill one simply cannot master in the wee hours of the morning. But I digress.
Here’s what you need for two servings:
5 Steps to Curing the Adulting Blues
You want a pizza me?
And while we’re at it, let’s talk about dietary restrictions, shall we? My crew has a lot of them, and it’s rough. When my college pals and I travel together, it’s kind of a nightmare when we go out to eat. We cringe as we let the server know that yes, we are in fact THAT table.
I ordered mine with veggies and added crumbled truffle goat cheese (because it’s lactose-free and I’m fancy), and I love the idea of bigger pizza joints embracing food restrictions like this. Next time my gluten-free friends are over, we’ll have munchies for everyone.
Life Updates
I’m 28! — My birthday was on Tuesday and holy shit, I’m only 24 months away from 30! I have a lot of thoughts about this, which I think will be another post for another day, but I celebrated all week long with champagne, vegan chocolate cakes, flowers, happy hours, sushi and this weekend we’ll be rounding off a beautifully prolonged birthday week with a wine tasting adventure all over Oakland. I’m definitely feeling grateful for year 27, and–at the risk of sounding like a big, fat cheeseball–I can’t wait to see what happens before 29. This is another one of those years. I can feel the changes a’comin’.
Room Makeover — The last time I felt inspired to decorate my room, chevron and mustard yellow were viable bedding choices for me and I created wall art with glitter and old planner pages. It was beyond time for a redo. I poured over Pinterest (obvs), and decided to make the most Free People-Basic room of all time (think WHITE walls, rainforest plants and mid-century furniture), but with prints on prints on prints of things that are uniquely, unapologetically me (think: Labyrinth, Nate Ruess and possums). This is the first non-work project I’ve been genuinely excited about in months, so I went balls deep. Like, I have no money now, which is kind of a problem considering that whole Vietnam trip thing coming up. Good thing I’ve got six months to save. Let the Ramen noodle dinners begin! I’ll post a full before and after situation soon, but in the meantime feast your eyes on the half-assed interior decorating projects I’ve attempted in the past here, here, here.
SHAMELESS PLUG: I now work on the PLAY! by Sephora subscription box, so if you want to see some of my work first-hand (and try some amazing products for just $10 a month), sign up here!
What’s new in YOUR life?
Perks of Not Being a Wife or Mom
Day Drinking for America
When I first started working in a big Silicon Valley office with a latte machine and beers on tap, I was terrified. Of course I was stoked to be there (and working with bloggers no less), but every time I’d have to go to the bathroom or kitchen, I’d get a jolt of anxiety. Not only did I not know anyone’s names, but I was actually scared that I would get lost and be wandering around the office like an idiot.

I was so bummed when I had to switch teams and move desks, but at least I could still see her every day at lunch… then I left for a better job opportunity (or so I thought) and we saw each other less and less. Luckily she moved from the City to the East Bay (Oakland represent) and she knows how to party.
I’m so grateful to have a friend who is willing to haul a whole bunch of heavy supplies, deal with douchey Lyft drivers, defend our spread from boys trying to holler and have a blast while we make costume changes and take zillions of photos. Thanks for being the best, Dev.
Picnics have definitely become my favorite summer activity.
So about that spread–The French Ministry of Agriculture sent us four bottles of wine from Beaujolaid and Loire, two cheeses from Normany and Auvergne, and the most delicious salts from the Medditerranean Sea and Guérande.
Since we forgot the patriotic cupcakes, we got crazy with them once we got back to the house–unfortunately those bottles of wine compromised our ability to get the actual cake smashing properly documented, but I assure you it was a delicious mess.
How are you celebrating this year?
Let’s give ’em something to taco ’bout
Before I get into this post, I need you to know that I have literally eaten tacos for every single meal since Sunday, and I’m still not sick of them. I think that makes me an actual official Californian. We love our tacos on the West coast–I even dress my dog up as one (and I’m pretty sure I need this shirt, but I digress).
I also ate my fair share of incredible tacos in Austin, and Mexico is on my list of travel destinations, so get ready to hear me rave about that in the near future. But for now, let’s talk about these beauties.
Then I completely stuffed my face, and it was glorious. I feel a full-on vegetarian month coming on soon, and this recipe for roasted cauliflower steaks with verde chimichurri looks BOMB.
Please tell me, what are the best tacos you’ve ever had? When? Where? And how do I get some?