Thoughts on time
5 Steps to Ultimate Costume Crushing

Weekend Shenanigans

Pizza, fitness, trees

Lastly, this is the playlist I was getting weird to as I wrote this post. I hope you’ll go back your azzes up with Whitney in the name of Friday.
Me + TV = Relationship Failure
Rainy days & Ramen burgers
Anywho.. I spent Saturday babysitting, watching the Gators beat up some Vols, eating homemade chili, working out and watching “New Girl.” Not a drop of alcohol, my friends. This blog space lives to see another week.
Sunday, on the other hand, was pretty epic and I have a wicked facial sunburn to prove it. Emma, Michelle and I decided to hike the California Coastal Trail, which was super foggy and just awesome. Just see for yourself.

After hiking we headed to the Presidio to hit up Off the Grid where I devoured this Ramen Burger–as in Ramen noodles instead of a bun on this magical meat masterpiece, followed by freshly picked strawberries, raspberries and dark chocolate plus excellent conversation and the utter bewilderment that goes along with living in such a wonderful, awe-inspiring place. I am feeling pretty lucky these days.
Linking up with Sami.
Demon neon watch & other Friday things
I have this little neon green digital watch that my friend got me before we went on a cruise so we wouldn’t get drunk and miss the boat (you can read more about it here). I really loved that thing. It was waterproof and it matched her neon pink one, so we wore them the entire time. I recently rekindled my love for it by taking it on my runs so I can run four minutes, walk one minute without crashing and breaking my neck by trying to look at my phone strapped stanknastily to my arm (not that it helps because this ish still happens on the daily). Anyway, this simple little watch can only do a couple things: time, stopwatch, alarm. So it seems like it would be pretty easy to figure out which button does what, right? There are only four buttons after all. WRONG. Some how, some way, after owning this bad boy for over two years (never changed the battery, nothing) it managed to set an alarm for 11:43pm. And I cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME figure out how to turn it off.