Hopefully I will be able to jack all the photos from my mom’s nice camera in the near future, but for now let’s have an iPhone photo dump, shall we?
Tuesday night after work, I paced around my apartment in anticipation of my redeye flight from San Francisco into Newark, NJ at midnight. I got to the airport roughly two and a half hours early where I chose to partake in the world’s shoddiest panini and tiniest cappuccino, eventually boarding the plane for a sleepless 5-hour ride. This flight included gassy passengers and a chick in the middle seat who didn’t say a word to me but did turn off my reading light and closed my window for me. Such a sweetheart. Upon arrival, Doc shot me ahead three hours and it was go time. I found my family’s gate and tackled them as soon as they got off the plane (from Florida) and we were off to break my month-long alcohol hiatus as soon as possible. Boom.
Wednesday was my brother Drew’s birthday. In honor of the old man we took chocolate cake shots, drank white Russians Big-Lebowski style and ate at the Famished Frog in Morristown, NJ. Some how I managed to stay awake and avoid a hangover despite spending a month’s worth of groceries at the hotel bar. I’d call that a successful first night of vacation.
Thursday we hit up New York City and I very hesitantly agreed to take a guided tour with the fam (THIS happened last time I took a tour with these guys). Luckily Robert was nowhere to be found and we got to sit on the top of a double decker site seeing bus. We traveled around the city and got off to explore the Museum of Natural History where we saw lots of awesome dinosaur bones and a whale exhibit. I also took a stroll through Central Park and skipped around pretending I was in an episode of SATC. We then went to the rehearsal dinner where we enjoyed some incredible Italian cuisine with some incredible friends, and the rest of Thursday night is a story for another day, my friends.
Friday was the wedding day! There was lots of love, delicious food, libations, a candy bar and a photo booth complete with dress up items (my favorite was the turkey hat). It was pretty fantastic. There was also live music and dancing (proof provided here). I don’t have photos of the bride and groom because I was too busy over serving myself, I guess. Trust me, they looked awesome.
Saturday we ventured into the city again where we took the ferry to float past the Statue of Liberty and some last minute decisions ended with me in Times Square purchasing tickets to my very first broadway musical, Phantom of the Opera, with this guy. I spent my last night in NYC drinking red wine out of a sippy cup watching a BROADWAY PLAY. I was psyched out of my mind. Basically I had a super ridiculously awesome trip and I just needed to brag about it. That is all.
Shenanigans caught on tape
I’m back from the dream that has been the past five days. I’m a little depressed that it’s over, and I’ve been looking at the photos and videos I collected during my time reunited with my family in the Big Apple constantly. I even made a compilation video complete with Rose getting her dance on.
I felt like photos wouldn’t be enough. After going five months without seeing my siblings and a couple since the last time I saw my parents, I knew these days were going to fly by at a ridiculous pace. Those I-missed-the-crap-out-of-you feelings mixed with the gross mushy ones that come along watching one of your favorite people marry the love of his life and the exciting-yet-terrifying butterfly ones that come from seeing a certain new face that makes you smile (around the 2-minute mark) all combined to make me lip sync to Frank Sinatra, maybe do a little drunk crying, but mostly just feel super grateful to be surrounded by awesome people.
Maybe it’ll make you feel all the feels, too.
More deets to come tomorrow.
Linking up with Sami.
I’m the king of New York!
I’ll be in NYC for the rest of the week!
I assure you my next weekend recap will be far more interesting than yesterday’s, but until then, enjoy this disjointed, obvious and wonderful Big Apple-centric playlist. Oh, and follow me on Instagram if you want to keep up with my adventures — @mackensieg.
Weekend lessons
Things I learned this weekend:
Not drinking alcohol makes me act like a hermit and only take photos of selfies, salads, screen shots and Ziggy.
My hair is kind of like a Chia pet.
I wake up early without trying now.
My sinuses are fickle SOBs that encourage me to stay in bed despite newfound habit of waking up early.
I like this “Hart of Dixie” show, like, way more than I should. Wade Kinsella. Le sigh.
I have a really hard time deciding which type of hot tea I’d like to imbibe in every single time.
Apparently it’s not just hangovers and ridiculously long runs that make me want to eat all the things teenage boy style.
It’s really hard to find crushed up peanuts to put on top of homemade banana splits. It’s also more difficult to crush up whole peanuts than it seems like it would be.
Hershey’s chocolate syrup does not contain dairy. Magic Shell does. Some bull honkey right there.
“Easy A” gets funnier every time I watch it.
Ziggy likes Twizzlers as much as she likes carrots. And apparently they come in pull apart watermelon flavor now. They’re delicious.
I had a secret desire to own a tiger-clad t-shirt from Wal-mart. Secret desire fulfilled.
I’m really bad at pre-planning blog posts.
I have some serious split ends that I’m too cheap to get rid of.
Having a really awesome friend makes being a sober hermit all weekend super fun.
I’m ready to get my NYC on.
Linking up with Sami.
running = binge drinking
I know there are a ton of big-drinker-anti-runner types out there that are going to tell me I’m clinically insane for saying this, but I’ve recently discovered that long distance running (like, 10+) is a lot like binge drinking. Let me explain.
At the beginning of your run, much like the first couple of shots you take, you feel really good and you go fast. You’re energized, you’re warm and fuzzy inside, you think to yourself, “Self, we could do this all day! In fact, that’s not a bad idea, let’s just keep doing this for a really long time because we could only possibly feel more awesome from here, right?” So you keep running Kenyan-style and you keep downing shots like a janky freshwater bitch fish.
Pretty soon you feel yourself starting to get loosey goosey. You’re like, “Yes, this is what it’s about! I’m feeling that runner’s high/tipsy dipsy twirl. Shakira bod here I come,” then BAM you fall flat on your face. Next thing you know you’re bleeding from head to toe, but you know what? It’s cool because the adrenaline/1.0 BAC has made you impervious to pain, so you decide to keep running/drinking.
The next stretch of time gets pretty fuzzy when you try to think about it later, but finally you get to a point where you just have to stop and vom your guts out. If you’re lucky you’ll be close to a garbage can/toilet at this point.
Despite the fact that you’re sloppy, sweaty, pukey and gross, guys will still try to honk at/hit on you.
If you’re a champ, you’ll puke and rally and eventually you’ll make it back to your bed. You’ll definitely need a shower, but chances are you won’t care at this point so you’ll pass out in your bed for a few hours. When you finally wake up, you’ll be severely dehydrated and your entire body will be sore. You won’t want to get out of bed, but you’ll have to because you need Gatorade and Advil. Oh, and you’re ravenously hungry because you just burned 5 billion calories/consumed 5 billion liquid calories that need to be replaced with more calories in the form of In-N-Out burgers.
I will definitely admit that running hangovers are far more enjoyable than binge drinking hangovers, but running adventures are way less fun to recount to friends later on, so I guess they even out. Just don’t drink away your running-inflicted injuries because that leads to the worst kind of hangovers, not that I would ever do something like that…
Have I convinced you non-runners to start training for a marathon yet?
Here’s my week in fitness:
Saturday: 12 mile run
Monday: 3 mile run TIU in 30
Tuesday: 4 mile run
Thursday: 3.6 mile run Blogilates Abs TIU Core move
And here’s a playlist that you can run AND get drunk to! Happy Friday!
Linking up with Whit!
Blogging: The Cons
And no, I don’t mean conventions– even though I think it’s rad that they exist and I think they should be more like Comic Con and we should all dress up as our favorite bloggers.
I mean cons as in the opposite of pros. Like, pros before hoes and all that.
Okay, first off people who don’t blog don’t understand some very essential things about bloggers (and this is by no means any fault of their own, it just comes along with the territory of not sharing intimate details of their daily lives on the internetz each day). They don’t understand the contradiction that is our very existence. The one where we write about our lives every day on a very public platform and cry into our diy chevron pillows when no one comments on our posts, and yet don’t actually want anyone we meet in real life to know it exists, let alone read it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love it when others enjoy this little space as much as I do and I get great satisfaction out of knowing that IRL people are interested in what I write when I already know them. Sure, every now and again we stress about getting lectured by Grandma about dropping the f-bomb or that priest from that one wedding that you’re not even sure how you became Facebook friends with reads about your tendencies to binge drink and run home from bars afterward, but all that pales in comparison to the issue I’ve been running into lately.
Apparently it’s not uncommon for non-blogger friends to bring up your internet hobby in front of others. Strangers, usually. And usually strangers who are trying to hit on you and in other words the exact strangers you want your blog to remain anonymous to forever and ever (because no one likes to censor their blog posts because some rando from that bar who makes a great story now knows your blog address).
It stems from interest, which really is flattering. But the problem is, non-bloggers who are interested in what we do (because there are many, of course, who couldn’t give two shits about what we got at Starbucks and how sweaty we are after our gym sessions) are this way for several reasons.
One. They are thinking about writing their own blog and want to see how we are doing it.
Two. They hate us and want fuel for the fire (I mean, we give them plenty of fuel).
Three. They don’t understand why we do it and they want to know why they are interested enough to keep typing that URL in there.
Four. They really enjoy our content.
Five. All the other reasons, like oh, that recipe looks delish. Or where did she get that necklace? Or how did her butt get so big? Or she moved where?!
And six. You’re a dude interested in a chick who happens to write about her entire little being on the internet, so you scroll through those archives gathering up information that either gives you the complete upper hand (provided you’re not a creep and most likely attractive) or scares the pants right off of your internet savvy bod and you go running for the hills.
All this to say, a lifestyle blog is by no means a first date convo piece and is not to be placed on a dating site profile. Ever. And if I know you and you read my blog, thank you. That’s awesome. But if we’re out in a bar and we’re chatting up some fellas, don’t mention my blog and I won’t mention your strange addiction to eating toilet paper. Sometimes they’re equally awkward.
things, thoughts, observations
Emma took this photo of me on my first ever trip to San Francisco back in December of 2012, before which I had never even been in the state of California. I didn’t know exactly what I was getting myself into, but that is not a let’s-look-cute-for-the-picture smile, that’s a real-life-cheeks-bulging-holy-cow-what’s-happening smile.
I’ll be on my way to New York City in less than a week to see my family (some of which I haven’t seen in five months) and some very close friends for a wedding! Did I mention I’ve never been outside of the airport in NYC? I’m so excited that I’m already dreading it coming to an end. I need to re-read this post.
I’m realizing that communication is an amazing, terrifying and beautiful thing. I hope to improve on it and use it in all of my relationships (romantic and otherwise) more often.
I finished “The Phantom Tollbooth” the other day on my lunch break, and this quote stuck out to me for some reason.
“…many of the things which can never be, often are. You see it’s very much like your trying to reach Infinity. You know that it’s there, but you just don’t know where–but just because you can never reach it doesn’t mean that it’s not worth looking for.”
This one, too:
“But it’s only a big pencil,” the Humbug objected, tapping at it with his cane.
“True enough,” agreed the Mathemagician, “but once you learn to use it, there’s no end to what you can do.”
I wish I had found this website sooner. Thanks, Brooke, for sharing awesome things always. Who wants a love letter? Because I’m ready to start writing them. If you are, too, watch this and then click here.
Also, I’m in need of a mixtape. Or a mix CD to be more precise. I don’t own a tape player, otherwise I’d love to have a mixtape. So if anyone wants to send me a love letter, please do so in the form of a mix CD–high school style with a decorated cover and everything. That would make me smile. Spotify playlists certainly won’t be turned down either, but I especially like the decorated covers..
I signed up for my very first obstacle course race! It’s called the Mud Factor in Sacramento, and I’m pretty pumped. Any of you Bay Area bloggers participating? I’m always down for a muddy blate.
I’ve been staying up past my bedtime lately. I just want a couple more hours for blogging each day. How do you nine (but actually eight) to fivers stay up on your blogging game? I’d love some advice.
And lastly, not a day has gone by since downloading the Emojis app that the smiley poo has not been in my recently used section and I hope the day that it’s no longer there never comes.
Happy Wednesday, friends.
My ovaries are destroying my life.
My ovaries are doing weird, weird things to me. And yes, this post is going to, for the most part, describe the monthly shedding of my uterus, so feel free to click away, boys (apparently some of them actually read this stuff. Who knew?). Anywho, let’s talk about the weirdness revolving around those lady balls inside my pelvic region.
First there’s the cuddly, vom-worthy adorable stuff, like babies.
Holy cow. Just look at that pudgy little ball of cuteness. I can’t even handle it. I’ve come dangerously close to kidnapping other people’s children on several occasions lately. There was a perfectly perfect little blond boy at the festival on Sunday rolling around in the grass and smiling like it was the best thing in the universe. My heart exploded. It was disgusting. I might have even checked Etsy for one of those adorable baby hammocks that super fashionable mommy bloggers wear on the reg. I might be even more excited about the baby sling thingies than I am about the baby (note: I just Googled ‘baby hammock’ because I don’t know what they’re actually called and I found this–d’awwww).
Clearly none of this is reasonable. Babies poop and whine way more than my mutt, they suck all your money away from things like concerts, clothes and booze, and I don’t even have a boyfriend. So CHILL OUT, OVARIES.
Then there’s the physical aspect.
My stomach is bloated and cramping while my legs are aching, my face is back to its high school pre-Proactiv days and I’m craving Chinese food, root beer floats and all the chocolate. I just want to lay down (and NOT drive all the way to the store for a box of tampons that costs more than the fancy specialty sushi rolls. What is the deal?! If I were a dude, I would buy an extra spicy tuna roll with baked scallops and 8 different types of row on top every month just because that’s how much I was saving by not having to buy tampons. D-bags.), but then I feel guilty because obviously I’m a fat cow and start hating on myself for not getting stuff done, which leads to the bigger problem that exists in the mind of the menstruating female.
I get weird. I distinctly remember being, like, 12 and making a huge bowl of oatmeal. It wasn’t that pre-made stuff, it was just disgusting mush at first but I made it epic by adding massive amounts of butter, brown sugar and just the right amount of love. I didn’t think I was particularly passionate about this oatmeal, though. That is until I dropped it. The bowl didn’t even break and there was a tub the size of my torso full of more oats, but I started bawling my eyes out. Life just wasn’t fair… because I dropped my oatmeal. I knew I was being ridiculous but that didn’t stop my body from reacting to the oatmeal debacle as if it were a real life tragedy.
Fast forward 12 years and I’m having a slightly different, yet just as dramatic, reaction to something that’s totally not even a big deal. I’m jamming out to Third Eye Blind and forget which road I’m on because, duh, I suck at directions, when I realized I need to get in the left lane to turn onto my road and this bish won’t let me over despite the fact that all the cars in front of her are stopped at the light anyway and all it would do is convenience me. Nope. Normal Kensie would say, “I mean, you make U-turns all the time anyway, you’ll be fine,” but hormonal Kensie screams, “F*** YOU!!!!!!!” as loud as she can followed by lots of other expletives directed at this woman complete with unnecessary jabs at her hair and facial expression. Then I made a U-turn and it was fine.
And apparently my hormones trick my brain into thinking it’s a good idea to write about them for all of the internetz to see. Whatever. I’m going to go make another root beer float.
Bluegrass & B.O.
First, I just have to ask..
My vote is for Ziggy Stardust, the fashion model sausage pup. But I may be biased.
Let’s see. Mondays are for weekend recaps if I remember properly. This is week numero tres of no drinking and therefore granny-status weekend updates, but it feels kind of awesome. I’m going with it. Friday night I spent the majority of my night painting 11-year-old girls’ fingernails at the best birthday party I’ve been to in quite some time (read more about the birthday girl here). Then I promptly went to bed around 10pm. Party.
Saturday I woke up before 8am (what’s happening to me?!) made breakfast and went on my long run. I made it 12 miles, slowly but surely. I only fell once and there wasn’t even any blood. I may not be getting faster, but I’ll be damned if I’m not getting better at falling. The rest of the day was spent watching Netflix/Hulu while eating Chinese food and drinking rootbeer floats with Ziggy (why yes, I was PMSing, thanks for asking!)
Sunday Emma and I went to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass music festival at Golden Gate Park where we saw Steve Martin pluckin’ a banjo! Chris Isaak was there, too, but unfortunately we got too overwhelmed by the deodorant-despising masses and had to just listen from afar while enjoying gourmet popsicles, vegan mac and cheese-less and knish. I’ve never seen so many dreads in my life and let’s just say I need a hula hoop. Or twelve.
Linking up with Sami.
Fitness or whatever
If you haven’t already noticed on Instagram, the sweaty selfies are back (@mackensieg)! I’m participating in Tone It Up’s #FriskyFall challenge and basically just trying to get my Shakira bod on. You are probably going to notice me blabbering about running and posting my sweaty smashed up tomato face all over the interwebz (and photos of my sausage dog who happens to be a pretty solid runner), so my apologies in advance.
Here is my week in fitness:
Saturday: 10.6 mile run
Sunday: Gymnastics (so fun and yet so sore the next day)
Monday: Beach Yoga
Tuesday: 4.7 mile run + Frisky Fall Full Body Routine
Wednesday: 3 mile run + Sunkissed Abs
Thursday: 4.24 mile run + Skinny Leggings Workout
I’m feeling ridiculously uncreative and sleepy. So instead of actually writing anything else, I’m going to barf up some workout-related images that I wish I came up with and hope they get me pumped for my long run tomorrow. Enjoy.
Oh and back that azz up with Whitney!