Saturday: Mud Factor
Sunday: Sore with muddy hair..
Monday: Ran 2.13 miles + Frisky Fall Routine (x4)
Tuesday: Zilch
Wednesday: Toned thighs & Lose those love handles
Thursday: This is depressing..
Have you guys listened to the new Arcade Fire album? I’m conflicted.. Tell me your thoughts!
Happy Friday!
I haven’t tried getting crafty on good ole One to Nothin’ in quite some time, but somewhere in between binge drinking hot tea, snuggling in a Jack Daniels blanket and making googly eyes at my antler carved pumpkin surrounded by orange leaves this weekend, I decided it needed to happen. I’ve lusted after glittery antlers for quite some time now, and obviously I’m no stranger to using sticks instead of actual dead animal remains (see my header), but I’d like to think I put my own spin on it. In my excitement to get it done and in necessity of battling the great winds, I didn’t take proper photos at all, but it’s ridiculously easy, so I think you guys can handle it.
Yep, those are the argyle boxer briefs previously mentioned. They went on under the norts and accompanied the sweet tiger tees. As soon as we got there, we got tatted up and rocked our new Mud Factor handkerchiefs.
We lined up at the starting line for the 12:30 heat and listened to the announcer describe everyone’s costumes. He was talked about each group of people in detail according to their costumes and when he got to us, he said, “…Regular white girls. I like that.” Rude. We clearly were tigers and not just regular white girls, but we got a chuckle out of it. Three miles and tons of mud, ropes, rocks, walls and slides later, we collected our medals, scrubbed the mud off my teeth and drove our dirty selves back home..
But before we got far, we got distracted by enormous buffalo statues, so we pulled over, obviously. We then had a muddy photo shoot. There was a moose, many old timey tractors and appliances and there was even a giant shoe house with an extremely creepy woman peeking through the window.
Sunday: Sandcastle Workout & Sexy Shoulders
Monday: Ran 4 miles Pura Vida Workout
Tuesday: 3 Moves to Toned Thighs & Bootiful
Wednesday: Stretch & More Stretch & Tough Love Handles (omg)
Thursday: Abs, Love Handles & More Abs
What’s your favorite pumpkin recipe? Tell me stories!