I’ve noticed a theme among my closest blog circle. We’re busy. We’re not sure how to fit it all in. We started new jobs, chose to pursue new relationships, uprooted our lives and we all put blogging on the back burner. While I think this is healthy and normal, it left me timid. This blank box that I know so intimately and usually spend a significant part of every day brain vomiting in doesn’t feel so familiar anymore. I feel vulnerable when type what I want and stupid when I type what I don’t. I’m nervous. But it’s that bundle of nerves that comes when you climb up really high and you hold a knotted rope in your hands. You know you should just jump. You’ll feel exhilarated and free once you do, but you haven’t quite convinced yourself to do it yet. That’s where I am, in various ways. I’m at the top of the ladder trying to make my stomach stop sloshing around while I visualize it over and over again. The wind rips through my hair, and I feel my legs slam into the glass surface of the water. It’s cold and shocking. I blow out through my nose way more than I need to. Immediately the cold uncomfortable pressure passes and I’m weightless. Yet I’m still at the top holding the rope, too afraid to jump.
Life Updates
+ I move into my new apartment (!!!) in Oakland tomorrow, and I have two awesome roommates.
+ Ziggy chipped my tooth by smashing her skull into my jaw with excessive excitement. No, I haven’t gone to the dentist and yes, it is noticeable.
+ I ate tempura bacon over the weekend. And corned beef. And mimosas. And the biggest pancakes of my life.
+ I worked an extra 15 hours each week for the past two weeks (& consequently blogged minimally).
+ I taught the Dude Baby how to do a headstand. Kind of.
+ I’m almost done with East of Eden and I still have about three others on my list from my last trip to the book store, but I accidentally bought three more last week.
+ I started a 30-day yoga challenge at Alyssa’s suggestion. I like it; I like it a lot.
+ I will make blogging a priority again soon, but not just yet. Must figure out the WiFi situation at the new pad. Until then, please know I love and appreciate all of you super hard.
Adventures in Portland!

In order to combat the ridiculousness going on in this post, I texted one of my blog besties last week and was all, “I’m freaking out, man. Can I come to Portland?” and she was all, “Yea, get over here. Now.” So I packed Ziggy into my car and started driving at 5:30am on Friday and got to hug Jessi for the first time ever at 5:30pm. It was a pretty glorious moment. A moment that was slightly less glorious, but glorious nonetheless, was when I realized that in Oregon they pump your gas for you. HOLLER.
So after hugs and squeals and Ziggy kisses, we started drinking whiskey and eating the biggest, most delicious, NON-vegan sushi ever. Naturally. Barhopping led to shots which led to VooDoo doughnuts which led to a ridiculously long line and a necessary pee stop, which just so happened to be in a strip club. This was completely unintentional, but quite the adventure so we stayed longer than two girls who wandered into a bar to pee should have. When in Portland..
The following morning Jessi got to experience one of my epic hangovers first hand. I barely made it through breakfast (which looked delicious), but I thoroughly enjoyed exploring Powell’s Book Store and that night I got to meet my other bloggy bestie, Brooke and her PIC Bradley while finally coming back to life and nomming my face off on Thai food.
Things That Have Happened Lately
A crazy man harassed me on the very last train Sunday night screaming about how I sprayed chemicals in his face and the Feds were going to get me while following me from one car to the next.
I got off the train and went to the wrong parking lot. My panicked self wandered around in the dark with 5% battery left hoping to find my car before the crazy man found me.
I received two rejection e-mails within 24 hours.
I paid $8 for a mediocre teriyaki chicken bowl.
I cracked my iPhone screen and bruised/scraped my whole body in the process.
Old Betty, my car, got stuck in reverse while I was trying to parallel park and she wouldn’t turn back on, so I had to get her towed.
I had to pay about $600 to fix Old Betty.
I had approximately 7 consecutive dreams that my nanny babe started choking while I was watching him.
I had one dream where a man was chasing another man trying to bash his head in with a hammer.
I got hit on by a 17 year old who said, “Damn, you’re old.. like, you’re a full on adult,” when I said, “No, I don’t go to your high school, I’m 25.”
I heard about Robin Williams committing suicide, which was extremely tragic in itself, but then I heard there were people on this earth who think it’s okay to write about how he “didn’t die from a disease” but from “his choice” and how he’s now going to hell, which made me livid.
Here are some awesome things that have happened lately:
I started a new part-time job at Stitch Fix!
I got to go volunteer at Outside Lands on Saturday and Sunday and therefore got to enjoy several concerts including Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, Death Cab For Cutie, Courtney Barnett, Lykke Li and The Killers for free.
Macklemore absolutely killed it and even played once his time was up. He didn’t get mad when he tried to crowd surf and they dropped him, instead he just did it again–successfully that time. He also brought Mary Lambert on for “Same Love” right after he had an adorable lesbian couple get engaged on stage. He’s amazing.
I talked with my girl Emma about life for the first time in way too long. It’s amazing what having an encouraging, loving best friend can do.
I ate porcini doughnuts and fried chicken and waffles that were worth the money.
I fell even more in love with Brandon Flowers than I already was. Seriously, I couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky his wife is and how it must affect her watching him perform. I’m such a creep.
I made strangers play Twister.
I watched a random man run up and take a bite of Emma’s pizza.
I’m getting so much closer to finding an apartment, and in the meantime a wonderful family has taken me in.
I might just be going on a spontaneous adventure to meet some of my best friends of the Internetz this weekend (Hiiiii Jessi & Brooke!).
There have been a whole lot of articles since the passing of Robin Williams spreading awareness about the disease that is depression. I hope this will help people who are suffering to seek help and those who are blissfully unaware to understand and have compassion.
Annnnd lastly, I found my new favorite song. Enjoy.
Alternative Song Titles
Sometimes musical artists who create great songs just really bomb on the title, so that’s what I’m here for today–to rename popular songs with titles that are more appropriate. Enjoy.
“Ironic” by Alanis Morisette — “Unfortunate Coincidences”
Much like with “literally,” there was a snafu in the channels of communication between the literary world and the conversation world when it comes to the word “ironic.” Alanis uses it wrong many times throughout this song that simply describes many unfortunate coincidental events over and over again. Sucks to suck, people of this song!
“Fantasy” by Ludacris — “Igottapee (The UTI Song)”
You can’t roll around in the dirt or do any number of the other ridiculous scenarios Luda suggests in the song without putting yourself at risk for a doozy of a urinary tract infection. Stock up on antibiotics and cranberry juice before you “do the damn thing” with this guy.
“Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix-a-lot — “Baby Got Cellulite”
He says you can do side bends or sit ups, but please don’t lose that butt. Clearly Mr. Mix-a-lot has not heard of the whole squatting for a nice booty concept, so his big old booties are bound to be dimpled. Get it, Mixy. You do you.
“Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey — “Don’t Stop Drinking”
Everyone thinks this is a great song to sing along to because sure, it’s catchy as they come, but also because they’re always drunk when it comes on. No one (except for the new asian frontman) would willingly try to imitate Steve Perry’s vocals sober, so just don’t stop drinking, hold on to that feeling!
“Blinded By The Light” by Manfred Mann’s Earth Band — “Like A Douche”
This song was originally performed by the Boss himself, and Mr. Springsteen did not intend for his lovely song to become one with a (very strange) feminine hygiene product, but the damage has been done. Everyone who has ever sung this song has, whether they realized it and giggled uncontrollably or not, sung “Blinded by the light, revved up like a douche another runner in the night.”
“Whiskey In The Jar” by Metallica — “Musha Ring Dum A Doo Dum A Da”
I’ve never been entirely sure what a “jar-o” was, but what I really never understood was how a band could come to agree on a chorus like “musha ring dum a doo dum a da,” but more power to ’em. I’m personally way jealous of a band that can make such nonsense sound hardcore and catchy at the same time.
What songs do you think deserve alternative song titles?
I confess..
Ringing in 25
Yesterday’s post was meant for Friday–my actual day of birthday–and today’s was meant for yesterday, but that’s what happens when your life is a giant puzzle missing several of the edge pieces (because I always start puzzles from the edges..). It’s just a mess and then someone decides to throw the box out so you can’t even see what it’s supposed to look like. Okay, I’m done with this stupid metaphor. Let’s talk about my weekend.
My lease ended Thursday, so my awesome parents moved the majority of my stuff into storage for me and we spent the night at a hotel where my mom and I drank wine in the pool all night. Yea, my mom is awesome. Then Friday my parents took me out to a birthday brunch where we ate hummus and drank spicy Bloody Marys. Oh, and that brownie (which was certainly not dairy-free but certainly worth the stomach ache) was brought to me for free. Then I tried on ridiculous hats at an antiques store while my birthday present–a new thermometer and nail-in-tire-removal for my car–was brought to fruition (thanks, parents!).
Later that night we made our way to a fancy shmancy hotel near the SF airport and I accidentally dragged my dad (and a couple lovely people) to a vegan sushi restaurant. I’m all for vegan food under normal circumstances, but when it comes to sushi, I want raw fish and fish eggs and spicy mayo and ohmygodsomeoneeatsushiwithmenowplease. Luckily the hotel bartender had already hooked me up with a triple shot of tequila/Kahlua/who knows what else, so I just kept on keepin’ on with my veggies wrapped in rice. Of course then I accidentally brought us to a bar that didn’t have any liquor and I pretty much felt like year 25 was going to be a complete and utter failure until we found a cocktail bar and ate pickles. Clearly pickles make everything right in the world.
Saturday I was hardly even hung over, which is nothing short of a miracle, and the days since then will be explored in a future post. Let’s just say I need to find a couple more puzzle pieces first.
How was your weekend?
25 things I’ve learned in 25 years
I don’t consider myself a sage by any means, but it turns out as of Friday I’ve been alive for a quarter of a century and I think I’ve picked up a thing or two along the way. Here are 25 life lessons I would give to my younger self if I could:
1. Everything you think about life can and probably will do a complete 360 between ages 20 and 25. Be flexible.
2. Networking is actually really, really important (and doesn’t have to be scary or fake as you previously thought). Embrace your sorority, clubs, events and stay in touch.
3. Baking cookies from scratch is not that difficult and they always taste better. Same goes for most meals. Step away from the microwave.
4. Having a dog is really fun, but it’s a LOT of responsibility and costs more than you ever thought possible. Once you realize this, the dog has already stolen your heart so there’s no going back. Adopt cautiously.
5. Your life will not end if you stop eating cheese. In fact you’ll feel a lot better when you stop inhaling dairy products daily. Put the everything bagel down.
6. Sometimes a degree is just a piece of paper. Think outside of your major.
7. Doctors, teachers, parents are real people and people are not always right. Ask questions and don’t accept everything you read.
8. Sometimes you have to speak up even though it’s hard. Ask for what you want.
9. Dating the wrong people sucks, but it makes for good stories and it helps you figure out what’s right. Don’t settle.
10. Some friends will be there for you always, even when you live 3,000 miles away from them. Cherish them.
11. Some friends are meant to be seasonal and that’s okay. Enjoy the times you had and move on.
12. You start to need your parents more than ever once you move far away from home. You’re really lucky that you have ones who are willing to forgive all those years when you pretended you didn’t. Call often.
13. Traveling changes the way you think about everything. In some ways that makes you feel grateful, disturbed, claustrophobic and excited. Make it happen.
14. Making money is important but it’s not the most important. Be crafty.
15. Trusting your instincts sometimes leads you to a weird place, but trust them anyway. Sometimes the weird places are the best ones.
16. Live music makes you feel more alive than almost anything else. Even more so when you’re sober. Just buy the ticket.
17. Say yes to adventures. When someone asks you to climb a mountain or sleep in a tent, you’re not going to be comfortable or prepared. Do it anyway.
18. Other people are figuring it out too. Sometimes you have to be patient and sometimes you have to walk away. Being alone can be awesome.
19. Time goes by really, really quickly, and all you can do to make it slow down is pay attention and be grateful. Embrace it.
20. Exercise makes you feel better every time. Even though you forget every time. Never stop.
21. Getting your heart broken is one of the worst feelings there is. Remember this when it comes time to break someone else’s.
22. The healing process is arduous. Don’t give up.
23. No matter how angry your family has made you in the past, they’re the ones who are rooting for your future. Treasure them.
24. Reading is cool. Keep doing it and don’t let anyone make you think differently.
25. Fitting in is not going to pay off in the long run. Being true to yourself–even if it makes you an outcast–will. Be you.
I’m sure I’ve learned 25 life lessons just in the past year, and perhaps I’ll contradict all of these in the next 25, but for now this is the best I’ve got. Cheers to a quarter century!
Tri-Valley Foodporn

This place is off of Portola Avenue in Livermore right next to a similarly named restaurant, Castle Rock, but don’t confuse them. Rock House is kind of hard to get to as you have to drive into a shopping plaza to access the parking lot, it looks kind of rough from the outside and there’s a random gift shop on the side–but don’t let it deter you! These things kept me from trying this place up until a couple months ago when I read all sorts of good Yelp reviews about it and I was very pleased with it once I got my food. There are tons of unique menu items including that spam masubi up there and deviled eggs with beet sauce in addition to their elaborate and delicious burgers.
Posada – Livermore, CA