When Jason and I decided to push our big wedding for the second time (13 months past our original date), the thing that upset us most was that this pandemic was getting to decide when we would start our family. We started talking about having babies very early on (like, weirdly early), and there’s never been a doubt in our minds that we wanted to be parents.

So when we first set our date for 10/16/2020, we assumed we’d start trying shortly after the party that I’ve always dreamed of—the one where I’m surrounded by all our closest friends and family, reading vows foreshadowing a baby-filled future, crying into my champagne during speeches, wearing the beautiful, expensive dress (and, of course, showing off the hot bod I’d worked so hard for leading up to it), and partying hard into the night. These things were always so important to me until they weren’t anymore.

We decided that starting a family would be more wonderful than a party going how we originally envisioned it could ever be, and while covid has taken so much away from all of us this year, we decided we were done letting it keep us from our growing family.

We (and of course some divine intervention) timed it so that Baby Rainbow will be here one month before the wedding in November—I’ll tell that story soon.

As silly as it sounds, one of my biggest hang ups was not getting to wear THE dress on the big day. Very soon after arriving in Florida, I made an appointment at The Bridal Finery in Winter Park, mainly because they had such thorough COVID precautions (and back then I thought my wedding was right around the corner). My mom and sisters came with me and after trying on just four dresses, we all knew this was the one (see one of the close seconds here). Everyone cried, we popped champagne, it was exactly the finding-the-dress moment I’d always dreamt of. So this dress meant a lot to me.

So when we decided starting a family was our number one priority, I booked the amazing photographer Michael McDaniel (with very short notice 🙏🏻) for a professional photoshoot in Jacksonville early in the first trimester, and he exceeded my expectations in every way. I’m so grateful to have these beautiful memories to add to our unconventional wedding album (and to be able to wear a much more comfortable dress one month postpartum 🤣).

Huge shoutout to Jason for taking this wild ride with me and for posing for these photos (doesn’t he look amazing? He used to practice smiling in selfies with me because he was so uncomfortable in front of the camera, and now look at him!). I cannot wait to celebrate our marriage with all our people AND our daughter in November.

I love you, and I love our story.