Here’s the deal, we’re supplying you lovely people of the internet with 30 prompts for each day of November that can be interpreted many ways and you just have to use the hashtag #PLUCKYtoNOTHIN so we can find, like, love, comment and connect with you all throughout the challenge. We will post the official prompts on November 1, but if you’d like to get a head start on planning out those photos, you can sign up for some super secret info (including how to get the most out of this challenge) by signing up for the One to Nothin’ newsletter HERE!
By participating in the #PLUCKYtoNOTHIN photo challenge, you will get the chance to not only grow your Instagram account by getting into the habit of posting each day and improving the quality/creativity of your feed, but you’ll also get to connect with some amazing bloggers, photographers, creative entrepreneurs and all-around cool people you should’ve been following all along. We are seriously stoked to get to know you all on a more personal level, and we hope it’ll bring you all closer to one another as well.
Finally, just by participating in the challenge, you will be entered to win one of three prizes including some ridiculously fun goodies made by the lady who brought you this DIY dirty thirty birthday party! More details on the prizes and all that good stuff is coming soon, but I just wanted to give you a heads up so you can prepare yourself for the amazingness that is to come November 1.