That’s right, folks. For Halloween Austin and I dressed up as Sarah and King Jareth (aka Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie) from “Labyrinth.” If you have never seen this movie, stop reading this blog right now and watch it. Seriously. It’s on Netflix. Go.
And if you’ve already seen it… Read this. It’s hilarious and true. There are many reasons why I love this movie and the majority of them are addressed in said article.
I grew up watching this movie and just assumed everyone else did too.. but apparently I was wrong. Many people have no idea who the Goblin King is, or why Hoggle sprays fairies like mosquitoes, or who the “babe” is that you remind me of, but I’m here to bring it back. This movie is not just for comic book convention lovers – it is a masterpiece. Which is why I spent way too much time making this costume.
After finding this wedding dress at Goodwill (for just $30!!) and getting a few undeserved “Congratulations!” from checkout ladies… I had to figure how to transform this size 10, 50-mile-long-train into a size 0, suitable-for-dancing-and-partying dress.

Then came all the details. I love details.

Look how great the necklace Austin made turned out

And the final product looked a little something like this:

If you have any questions about how we made any parts of the costumes, please feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me at MackensieG@gmail.com … and don’t forget to watch this movie!