Hey guys! Today I’m featured over at Cover to Cover and Everything In Between, so go check it out and leave Nay some love. If you’re visiting from her blog, welcome and thank you so much for visiting my page. Feel free to explore (and leave lots of comments!).
Back when I was adamantly ‘respecting the bird,’ I touched on several of my Thanksgiving day traditions (as silly as they can be), but now that Thanksgiving is officially over, it’s Christmas time.. And we have some legit holiday traditions. The first one actually starts on Thanksgiving day right around when the food coma starts to kick in and we’re all buzzin’ on our mimosas and white russians. That’s when we watch these two wonderful, Christmassy movies.
Hilarious? Check. Taking place during the holidays? Check. Inappropriate? Double check. Perfect. If you haven’t seen either of these movies and don’t offend easily, I strongly encourage you to check them out immediately.
Every year we get a real, live tree and usually chop it down ourselves (after hours of deciding which one is perfect, of course). Then we watch more traditional Christmas movies (my mom’s favorite is “It’s A Wonderful Life” even though my sister and I think it’s way depressing) while stringing popcorn and cranberries to hang on the tree.
One of my very favorite traditions, however, is gingerbread house decorating! My mom has legit cast iron molds and she bakes the gingerbread herself every year. Check out my house from last year:
Also, I’m absolutely in love with holiday parties.. especially ones of the Ugly Christmas Sweater persuasion. This year we’re having a cousins’ Ugly Sweater party and I am super stoked.
This weekend was full of joy, love and great tragedy. After an auto accident and several days of unconsciousness, we have lost a great friend and wonderful person. Kaitlin Labuda was the most joyous person with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. She was beautiful, hilarious, constantly happy, young and everything you hope to never have to say goodbye to.
After showering and changing into more holiday-appropriate clothing, I took pictures of everyone. I was so excited to have all the fam together — not to mention I had about four sugar-free pies waiting to be consumed by this guy.
First, the lactose & sugar-free blueberry cheesecake.
Silken tofu is the best invention ever (as far as vegan cooking goes at least). All blended in a regular old blender.
Then came the pumpkin pies (I made them two different ways, but I’ll show off my fave).
Then after writing this blog post, I took it out looking like this..
Woops.. I just did my best to keep the burned parts out of the mix. Here are my ingredient substitutions:
Lastly I made my lactose-free chocolate mousse pie.
Just finished walking the Turkey Trot 5k! Photos & food to come later.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Super easy & simple. I just added ingredients without measuring them and tasted it as I went to see how much salt, etc. I needed. I used a lot of salt… I am addicted.
Then I heated up these kidney beans instead of black beans because they’re all I had.
I sliced up this avocado because the first one I cut up already had brown veins running through its beautiful green flesh.. how sad.
Then I shoved them all into a pita because I didn’t have any wraps and added salsa roja to it (which wasn’t nearly as good as salsa verde). Just one half of this pita filled me up. No joke, I gave the other half to Austin. And it was pretty dang good, if I do say so myself.
As far as exercise goes, I sort of alluded to my less-than-satisfactory leap back into the running world in my Friday’s Letters post.. it was bad. I ran two miles and the first one was okay, but the second one was pretty dang painful. I went ahead and made an appointment with a chiropractor in town whom my parents have both have had good experiences with. My appointment was yesterday and it was intense, y’all. They realigned my knee — aka jerked it left and right and up and down. I slightly thought they were going to break my knee entirely, but afterward it actually felt a lot better. So weird. I’m going to attend several more physical therapy sessions to see if it starts improving, and if not I’m going to have to get an MRI.
Also, Ashley of Adventures of Newlyweds was sweet enough to ask her Physical Therapist husband about my knee and he sent me tons of awesome advice. Thank you SO much, you guys! I’m excited to try out these new tips.
Today I am thankful for my friends and boyfriend (and their health). They are all so supportive and they keep me from going insane. Love you guys!
I had a little way too much wine last night, which resulted in me participating in Movember in the only way I knew how. (btw those are not my cigarettes, I’m a runner, remember?? I gotta take care of them lungs!) So after a silly night, I’ve spent the day chugging Gatorade, popping Advil and lying on the couch watching old SNL episodes. I just climbed into bed to try to sleep it off once and for all when I decided that blogging > sleeping.
While checking my Blogger feed, I came to realize that Ashley of The Sweet Life gave me the Liebster Blog award! I am so excited, especially since I love reading her blog & I was so surprised to see my name on there!