+My car is disgusting. Can someone please bribe/blackmail/threaten me somehow to go get it cleaned?
+I went to work out the other morning and my #swolemates weren’t there with me, so naturally after the 60-minute class filled with other humans, I looked in the mirror and saw toothpaste all over my mouth. Thanks for the heads up, bros.
+Since starting the Whole30, I’ve gone through approximately three cans of coconut milk. Pretty sure replacing all the sugar and carbs with excessive amounts of coconut fat is missing the point, but IT’S SO GOOD.
+I bought a lunchbox on Amazon the other day. And I was excited about it.
+I’m starting to think that having a dishwasher would be life’s greatest luxury.
+My friends are buying houses, getting yoga certified, graduating with advanced degrees and getting married while I’m trying to buy impulse flights to Japan. And Macklemore tickets.
+While babysitting I caught a glance of the show, “Peppa Pig” and I couldn’t stop giggling at the phallic nature of the pig head drawings. Like, come on! I can’t. Who approved that?!
+This dress from Tobi makes me all kinds of happy, and if you see me in it, don’t be offended if my boob pops out at you. It happened a few times at this windy photo shoot on Ocean Beach.
+And this coat (also from Tobi) is pretty amazing. It’s formal and casual at the same time. Like a fitted, yet long version of borrowing your dude’s suit jacket at the ball (because in this scenario, I attend balls).
What are you confessing today? Link up with Sarah!
Peppa Pig, you're nasty!! And adorably…. squeezable?! No. haha, you keep looking at the flights to Tokyo and Macklemore so that we can spend our money on homes and training and weddings. I have intense FOMO on your life more than ever when I look at your instagram feed and I'd trade the luxury of a dishwasher in an instant to see you. <3
I love your dress!
I just today—like, an hour ago actually—learned how to use the Snapchat lenses. Also, I may be getting yoga certified, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be jumping on board for that Japan trip if I had any dollars to spare right now. $600 you say? I wonder if it's cheaper from New York…
I just checked. $689 is the best I can find…
You look great! Who takes your pictures??
I've also been trying to resist impulse buying plane tickets… so far it hasn't been working… #GoingToScotlandAgain
You go girl for 6 a.m. workouts. I wish I could workout in the morning but I need a full meal before I workout or else I pass out. And then I'm too full to workout after. So only lunch workouts for this girl.
love the dress! and I also frequently feel like my friends are doing all of these cool things, but hey. my single life is luxurious! also… where is Macklemore playing!? let's have a date!
Robin | robineylea.com
Super love this dress! You are looking gorgeous, per usual!
Abby of Life in the Fash Lane