Have I ever mentioned my mom’s beehive? She loves, loves, loves bees and for the past year or so, she’s been taking care of them and collecting their delicious honey. Coincidentally, my dad and his five other siblings all have names that start with “B” (Billy, Bobby, Barry, Buddy, Bonnie & Belle — yea, I’m not kidding) so back in the day when they started their own band, they called themselves the “B” Hive. As a symbol of my siblings and I’s shared love for our momma (& the weird B-name coincidence I suppose), I made us all matching bee jewelry for Christmas. (The middle two are a small sample of gifts I made for others, not all of which have been dispersed yet. More to come soon!)
Unfortunately, some destructive beetles got a hold of my mom’s beehive a couple days ago and there are just a small few of those little guys left. As discouraging as this is, she’s going to start all over again and I have no doubt that this hive will be stronger than ever.
As for Christmas day, here’s a bit of a summary via photos:

Clockwise from top left:
Lactose-free White Russian, Lactose-free eggs benedict (a family tradition), epic vegan cookbooks, Ziggy ruining one of her Christmas presents, stocking stuffers, awesome new reading material
I came out with some pretty great loot & I definitely have more to share later. I hope you all enjoyed your day, I certainly did. Thank you to my friends and family for making this such a great Christmas! I love you all.
You're jewelry is the bomb.com!
don't worry beeeee happy!!! love my bee stuff
Wow, I LOVE your homemade gifts!! What a cute idea and so personalized!
I found your blog through It's Overflowing! I love it! I'm your newest follower and would love for you to come follow me back if you get a chance! <3
That is so cute I can hardly stand it! Thanks for sharing at Overflowing with Creativity! I’m excited to continue being inspired by you in 2012!!! XO, Aimee